Echinacea benefits

First encountered in parts of North America, Echinacea quickly earned a great deal of popularity (especially in the subcontinent of South-east Asia) due to the numerous positive effects it can have on human health. The medicine is considered to be a ‘cure-all’ medicine. The derivation of the name is caused by the fact that the herb could cure any health problems starting from common cold to cancer. The herb contains antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral characteristics. As a result, Echinacea has the competency to encounter any type of microbial infection. The anti pathogenic activities are developed from a combination of components that include flayanoids, polysaccharides, phenols, alkyl amides and some minerals such as copper, potassium, iodine as well as iron, including vitamins A, E and C. For remedial use Echinacea can be classified in three categories:

  • Echinacea purpurea
  • Echinacea angustifolia and,
  • Echinacea pallida

Benefits of Echinacea

Echinacea have a lot of beneficial properties, as the following paragraph would suggest:

Echinacea is widely used as a medication for treating respiratory weaknesses and is mostly used as a form of herbal remedies. The continuance of common cold, coughs and flu can be reduced by using this herbal remedy. Echinacea can also treat Irritations caused by sore throat and enlarged lymph can also be eased. The body’s immune system is invigorated by Echinacea by stimulating the production and migration of white blood cells. The white blood cells are the principal tools of the body which counters infections. Phagocytosis is involved as one of the body’s immune counterblast against microbes by utilizing the foreign bodies by white blood cells. Phagocytosis is multiplied by Echinacea. Phagocytosis is also responsible for removing cell debris and pathogens of the body, which includes dead cells, small mineral particles and bacteria. Phagocytosis is also responsible for acquiring nutrients for various cells in the body. The phagocytosis multiplication property of Echinacea is one of the reasons that this herbal medicine is rapidly gaining popularity.

Echinacea is also used for:

  • It antidotes various infectious diseases because of the presence of its antibacterial characteristics. Herbalists prescribe Echinacea for medicating urinary tract infection.
  • Genital herpes and candidiasis is treated by extracted Echinacea which is applied topically. Topically applied medications are applied externally to the skin and are not meant to take orally
  • Encountering infections, healing injury and revitalizing the skin are one of Echinacea’s advantages.
  • It maximizes the levels of a chemical known as poperdin. Poperdin stimulates part of immune network which reinforces the defense mechanism of your body.
  • Interferon’s production is sustained by Echinacea. Heterogeneous viral infections like influenza and herpes is encountered by the proliferated antiviral activity.
  • Inflammatory skin illnesses including psoriasis, arthritis, lymphatic swelling, and eczema are externally cured by Echinacea, and are applied as a form of topical medication.
  • Burns, insect bites, acne and ulcers or other skin damages can be cured by the body with the aid of Echinacea.
  • The bacteria unleash an enzyme called hyaluronidase which is prevented by the Echinacea. The bacteria impinge the healthy cells with the help of hyaluronidase. The bacterial infection is thus averted.

Consumption of Echinacea tea is a frequent manner of deriving Echinacea benefits. Consulting a herbalist to prescribe a safe amount of Echinacea, generally three times a day, is suggested.

The side effects associated with Echinacea is also minimal since it is used as an herbal medicine, and is generally allergic in nature. It might also trigger asthma in rare cases, and any discomfort should be promptly notified to the local medical authorities and immediate discontinuation of taking Echinacea to be ensured. Echinacea should also be used at a safe limit, and according to the European Medicines Agency’s recommendation of not being suitable for pregnant women without concrete data suggesting so.


Last updated on Jul 19th, 2010 and filed under Alternative Medicine. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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