Dyshidrotic eczema is a very difficult condition to treat. The blisters along the edges of the fingers and toes can cause you to spend restless nights as you stay awake trying not to scratch the affected areas that are intensely itching. This condition can highly motivate you to find an effective dyshidrotic eczema treatment. This is a very unsightly and uncomfortable skin condition. Many people experience such intense itching that they will scratch the affected area until it bleeds. This skin condition is not contagious but unfortunately the cause is not known either. The blisters can break open which will allow the fluid to seep out quite frequently. There is no cure for Dyshidrotic eczema. The only thing the person can do is treat the condition. Certain irritants can cause a flare up of this condition and you can spend a lot of time trying to figure out what irritants are triggers for you.
In the past this type of eczema did not have a name of its own. Now it is a classified type of eczema and certain types of Dyshidrotic eczema treatments can help relieve this condition. Topical creams and ointments with cortisone are used as a dyshidrotic eczema treatment and can help relieve the itchiness and inflammation and swelling. If you use cortisone ointments and creams as dyshidrotic eczema treatment be sure you start using it the minute you notice signs of an outbreak of your eczema. If you use it twice a day however, it can also help prevent future flare-ups. The signs that merit immediate use of these creams include dryness, itchiness and redness. Oral use of this medication is advised if your skin condition is very severe.
Topical steroids are very helpful for this condition. However, prolonged used of steroids can have some very negative side effects. For instance, continued ongoing use can cause the skin to become too thin. Topical steroids can also worsen your condition if you have toxins and bacteria on your hands.
Another dyshidrotic eczema treatment is to regularly used creams to keep your body moisturized on a daily basis. Apply moisturizers after taking a shower or bath. Use creams that have aloe vera, witch hazel or vitamin E in them. These will help keep your skin from drying out and will soothe your skin and reduce swelling.
Using diluted solutions of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate can be used as a dyshidrotic eczema treatment as well because it will help keep the skin conditioned. You should ask your doctor about using these chemicals on your skin. They should be used in small quantities so that they do not burn the skin.
The best dyshidrotic eczema treatment is one of prevention. Try to avoid scratching at all times. You can take supplements to build up your immune system and such things as chelation therapy may help. Biofeedback therapy may also be beneficial if you learn how to reduce stress. Zinc oxide can be sprayed on the areas of the hands and feet that itch too. Patients with this skin condition should try to avoid as many toxins and chemicals as much as possible. It is also a good idea to try to determine what triggers a flare up for you and avoid those substances.
Many professionals believe that this skin condition may be influenced by genetics and allergens. Various types of food or soaps may cause an outbreak for some people. Once you have identified what triggers your flare-up you should avoid it as much as possible.
Dyshidrotic eczema is commonly found in infants. Care should be taken to avoid giving eh infant a hot bath when they have this skin condition. You should also consult with the pediatrician about which baby bath products are ok to use when your child has this skin condition as well.
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I can honestly say that our son was helped dramatically by taking an all natural children’s chewable probiotic. He loves it and it worked very quickly and I would say that it is a miracle for us! He takes the Bellyboost brand which is what I recommend 🙂
The only treatment that worked for my dyshidrotic eczema was UV light therapy. And boy did it work! I now only get occasional minor flare ups that are most often treatable with cortizone ointment, and typically return to the light therapy once a year or two when the ointment isn’t able to treat it.
I’ve had various types of eczema since birth, most commonly the standard flaky, itchy rash most people know, as well as bumpy hives. It was towards the end of high school that I first developed the dyshidrotic type on my hands, and it was agonizing; not only itchy but incredibly painful. After seeing several doctors over several years I was finally referred to a dermatologist who had one of the light therapy machines, Dr. Norman Wasel at Stratica Medical in Edmonton Alberta. He was able to immediately diagnose my eczema and I received my first treatment that day. After a week of treatments 3 times a week I saw significant results.
For anyone suffering with this dastardly skin condition, look into this treatment.