DVT prevention

DVT or deep vein thrombosis is much more common than most people know. It affects one in 1,000 people each year. It can be mild to severe. If complications occur it can result in death. Deep vein thrombosis is diagnosed when blood clots are present in the large veins of the legs, the pelvis, or the arms of the body. These blood clots can break free from their formation in the veins, travel through the heart into the lungs and there cause a deadly pulmonary embolus.

One of the best ways to prevent this problem is for the average consumer to be aware that it is an issue and take measures to prevent it. Most medical professionals are aware of deep vein thrombosis however many consumers are not aware of how common this problem occurs.

So what are the biggest risk factors for deep vein thrombosis? People who are obese are at a much higher risk for this problem. People who live a sedentary lifestyle are also at higher risk for DVT. Smokers also are at a higher risk for deep vein thrombosis than the average person.

So what are some things that the average person can do to prevent deep vein thrombosis? Common sense would say live a healthy lifestyle first. Maintain a healthy weight, exercise on a regular basis and do not smoke. These things will greatly reduce your chances of developing deep vein thrombosis in the future.

For people who are already obese, losing weight would be an excellent option and developing a cardiovascular routine such as walking regularly even for five minutes three times a day would greatly reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

There are some medical interventions that can be implemented for people who are at high risk for deep vein thrombosis that can be prescribed by a physician. The first of these are elastic compression stockings which force circulation out of the veins of the lower extremities and keep circulation flowing in a better manner in the lower legs. These stocking are routinely prescribed by physicians after surgery for anyone that is going to have to spend any length of time in bed to reduce their chances of developing DVT. and the physician may send the patient home with these same stockings. They can also be used for people who are sedentary at home or in extended care facilities who may be at higher risk of DVT. These stockings remain effective for approximately three months time and then should be replaced with a new pair for maximum efficiency. If you feel that you may be at risk for DVT and are interested in obtaining these stockings please speak to your physician to get a prescription for them.

Physicians can prescribe medication that can reduce the chances of blood clots in the venous system. These medications are called anticoagulants. They can increase the bleeding time of a person and are not without side effects so they are not used by physicians without just cause. Other measures are usually tried first before medications are prescribed. Medications are usually prescribed after a DVT has been diagnosed or factors have been found that make a physician feel that DVT or a pulmonary embolus may be imminent.

With awareness and preventative measures, the rate of DVT falls greatly to around 10% of those people who are at risk of the problem already. This is a great incentive for anyone to be aware of this issue and for them to take all measures that are applicable to them and implement them into their lives to keep this serious complication from impeding itself into their lives.


Last updated on Aug 30th, 2009 and filed under Cardiovascular Disorders. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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