Diabetes insipidus is characterized by frequent urination and excessive thirst. This type of diabetes is different than sugar diabetes or diabetes mellitus that is more common. The symptom is the same as both will cause frequent urination and excessive thirst, but that is where the similarities end.
There are four types of diabetes insipidus which has a different cause and treatment associated with it. One of the most common types of this form of diabetes occurs when there is a lack of vasopressin which is the hormone that concentrates the urine and causes the urine output to be reduced. This is usually caused by damage in the pituitary gland where the hormone is produced. There are a number of reasons for the damage and it can be treated with drugs.
It can also occur during pregnancy when the hormone is destroyed by the placenta and does not have the ability to work on the kidneys to reduce urine output. This is also treated in the same way without any problem to the pregnancy.
There are also cases of diabetes insipidus that are caused by the kidney’s failure to respond to the hormone in the proper way. This can be caused by kidney disease or drugs. There is no cure for this type of diabetes insipidus, but there are treatments that can relieve the symptoms.
The final type of diabetes insipidus is caused by an abnormality of the brain that controls thirst. It can be difficult to tell which type of diabetes insipidus that you have, but the vasopressin can be tested and measured to determine if the condition is caused by the lack of hormone or this brain disorder. This type of diabetes insipidus cannot be treated currently.
There are no other complications related to this condition that will cause a life threatening situation. It is important that you visit your doctor if you are suffering from the symptoms of diabetes insipidus to begin treatment to alleviate your symptoms. While it is not life threatening, it can be a debilitating problem. Frequently patients are woken up during the night with the need to urinate and excessive thirst can cause problems throughout the day.
Treatment with anti diuretic medications is often the first step to finding relief from this problem. You should also make sure that others are aware of your condition in the event that you need emergency medical treatment.
Treatment of the underlying cause of diabetes insipidus will likely determine your outcome. On its own the condition is not life threatening, but not drinking enough fluids may present a problem.
Become educated about your condition and make sure that you ask your doctor any questions you might have about your disorder. If you are experiencing the symptoms of diabetes insipidus, you should let your doctor know as soon as possible. You will be given a full examination to rule out any underlying causes for your frequent thirst and urination. Most likely the doctor will test for diabetes mellitus as well as diabetes insipidus to rule that condition out.
Even those who are not able to be treated for their diabetes insipidus can find relief from nighttime urination with the use of medications to eliminate the problem. Discuss all of your concerns with your doctor regarding these symptoms. If you are being treated for diabetes insipidus and your frequent thirst and urination return, contact your doctor to determine the cause of the symptoms return.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat a good well balanced diet along with the treatment that you are prescribed by your doctor after your diagnosis of diabetes insipidus.
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