
Did you know that sun bathing is not just a fun past time for the rich and famous? In reality, sun bathing is an important part of a healthy routine for every person because the sun, or rather the ultra violet rays from the sun, allow your skin to synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D is a group of molecules that help our body absorb the much needed nutrient calcium. Calciferol is another word for the group of vitamin D sub forms D2 and D3. Your body actually produces calciferol but only during exposure to ultra violet rays.

Calciferol is fat soluble rather than water soluble. That means it takes fat to dissolve the calciferol molecules and allow them to break down your calcium. Because of the effect calciferol has on calcium, it is responsible for keeping teeth and bones healthy and supple. Without calcium being broken down, your bones and teeth may become brittle or soft.

Symptoms of Calciferol Deficiency

Unfortunately, the symptoms of calciferol deficiency could be indicative of a serious problem. If you feel any kind of bone pain, muscle weakness, arthritis, cavities, burning in the mouth or throat or experience vision problems, it may be caused by a calciferol deficiency.

There are also many symptoms that you may not feel but that your primary care physician can detect. These doctor detected symptoms can include bone fractures, deformities of your skeleton like bowed legs, spine curvatures or a deformed pelvis, delayed growth in children, or soft bones.

Some of the above symptoms, when found in children, are caused by a weak bone condition known as Rickets. Rickets are caused by a long term vitamin D deficiency and displays itself as soft or weak bones. In some cases, the Rickets could be caused not by too little calciferol, but instead by an inability to absorb calciferol. This can be hereditary and is caused by the kidney’s inability to retain phosphorous and remove acids through urine.

If a child suffers from Rickets for a long period of time, they may be diagnosed with celiac disease which is a disease of the small intestines and can require the removal of some or all of the child’s stomach. If they have a deficiency of calciferol, Rickets or celiac disease for too long, they may require surgery.

The Additional Benefits of Calciferol

There have been some studies that show calciferol helps interrupt the work of cancer causing cells. This is extremely important in the fight against free radicals which can quickly affect the integrity of your overall health. Specifically, calciferol is shown to be helpful in warding off rectal cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Just as calciferol is helpful in preventing brittle bones and soft bones it can also help in the fight against osteoporosis—a major concern among post menopausal women. In addition, supplements containing calciferol can be used to help those individuals whose bodies do not metabolize calciferol properly.

Psoriasis, a skin disease caused by an autoimmune disorder, can help many of the psoriasis lesions that show up on the skin of sufferers. It helps skin growth which can help increase the strength and suppleness of the skin which can lessen many of the itchy and flaky effects of Psoriasis.

If you have any of the symptoms of calciferol deficiency, be sure to visit your primary care physician while taking a supplement that contains additional levels of calciferol. Your primary care physician can help you to make sure you have not done any permanent damage to your bones and make sure that you do not have a genetic problem affecting your absorption of calciferol.

Last updated on Apr 26th, 2010 and filed under Vitamins and Minerals. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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