Boot camp workout

When you think of a boot camp workout you probably think of a trainer whipping you into shape. In a way, that’s what the boot camp workout it, but it doesn’t have to be. One strong example of a great weight loss boot camp would be the show, The Biggest Loser. However, you can still complete a boot camp workout at home or at the gym, and even do it by yourself.

What is a Boot Camp Workout?
This is a type of workout which doesn’t focus on one part of your body in particular. You use all your energy to complete a workout on your entire body. The idea of the workout is to keep your heart rate going and switch between exercises with no rest at all. You’re pushing yourself as far as possible while completing various exercises such as push ups, crunches, squats, and jumping jacks.

You want to push yourself to the limit while doing a boot camp workout. It’s a quick burst of energy which is effectively a form of high intensity interval training, a great way to build sweat and burn calories easily. You will notice much greater results from completing a boot camp workout for no more than 15 minutes then you would from cycling at a moderate pace for an hour.

Advantages of the Boot Camp Workout
As previously mentioned, the boot camp workout is a great way to keep your heart rate up, keep you sweating, and it burns calories like crazy. However, one of the greatest advantages of the boot camp workout is that it’s actually fun, at least for most people.

If you are joining a group of people to do the boot camp workout with it will help you even more to keep in motion and not quit when you’re getting tired. The idea behind this workout is to reach your limit, exercise at your highest intensity, and keep going at that pace for as long as possible.

Another major advantage of this type of workout is that you don’t really need equipment. You can change up the workout however you like and using equipment is a possibility but it’s not a necessity. Since most of these exercises are body weight exercises, you can even do them in the comfort of your own home. The main thing to remember is that you have to work at a high intensity though and it might be easier to do that while at the gym, possibly with others doing the same activity.

How easy is the Boot Camp Workout?
The boot camp workout isn’t made to be an easy exercise. You’re going to be reaching your maximum potential while completing the exercises so you will probably feel like giving up at certain points. If you can stay determined and finish the exercise, the results will show after time. The easiest thing about the boot camp workout is that planning out the exercises is pretty much up to you!

You will always want to start your workout with a few minutes of stretching and a brief full body warm up. After this is done you can then start your exercises. You can create a workout plan beforehand and you even have the option of changing it up for different days.

Make sure that the plan you create doesn’t just focus on one area of the body as the main benefit that the boot camp workout has is that it works your entire body. With weight lifting, people sometimes do kill sets or full kill workouts which will focus on one body part until it can’t be exercised any more, but it’s different for cardio exercises. Make sure you are moving between different body parts each time you switch exercises. Lastly, consider joining a group as it’s definitely a great way to keep motivated while doing the workout.

Last updated on Feb 23rd, 2010 and filed under Weight Loss. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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