A lot of young women are choosing to use birth control pills because they just can’t afford to have children right now with the way the economy is going. This is just one reason why women choose to use birth control pills. Other reasons can include a desire to help regulate monthly cycles and even to help control acne and for the simple reason that the woman just does not want to have a child at the time. Birth control pills have enabled women to make a plan for their lives and stick to it without interference from an unexpected pregnancy.
Birth control pills are made from chemical hormones that if taken on a daily basis can prevent pregnancies. There are different kinds of birth control pills. One kind is called a combination birth control pill that is actually a combination of estrogen and progesterone. Taken on a daily basis the pill will prevent the egg from the ovaries from being released on a monthly basis. The reason that birth control pills work is because of this. Women who do not ovulate do not get pregnant. Birth control pills can also cause the woman’s body to make a thick mucus around the cervix which can be a deterrent to keep sperm from entering into the uterus and reaching and egg. Birth control pills can also make it almost impossible for the woman’s egg to attach to the uterine wall because synthetic hormones alter the lining of the uterus. If the egg cannot attach to the uterus the embryo cannot grow and no pregnancy will ensue.
There are actually four types of birth control pills. The first type, the “combination pill” has already been mentioned. There are “mini” birth control pills for women who cannot take estrogen. Usually these types are for women who are at risk for developing estrogen caused cancers. Another type of birth control pill that more and more women are using these days is called the “emergency birth control pill.” This type is also known as the morning after pill that a woman can take after having unprotected sexual intercourse. Usually the emergency birth control pill has to be taken within three days of sexual activity. There is another rare type of birth control pill that is called the “phased regimen” birth control pill. It is sometimes used for women who are older than 35 years of age.
Women have been using birth control pills for decades. In 1955 they were first introduced to the public by two scientists who had developed a birth control pill made with progestins. These older birth control pills were not as effective as they are now. It wasn’t until they begin adding estrogens to the birth control pills that they became much more effective. Nowadays birth contol pills are up to 99.75% successful in preventing unwanted pregnancies. They are now the number one choice of birth control for modern women.
However, birth control pills are not to be used for certain women. For instance if a woman has unexplained vaginal bleeding she should not use synthetic hormone birth control pills. If there is a history of heart disease or liver problems the woman should not use birth control pills. If there is a history of stroke or cancer in the family she should not use birth control pills and should find alternative means to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Most women who are over 35 years old and his smoke are greater risk for stroke and should not take birth control pills.
While birth control pills are great and an easy and convenient oral contraceptive they do nothing in the way of preventing sexually the transmitted diseases. There are some unpleasant side effects that women can experience when taking birth control pills also. These side effects would include such things as unwanted weight gain and fluid retention. Before a woman can begin taking birth control pills she needs to have a doctor’s prescription before they can be bought.
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