Drinking alcohol is commonly construed as a remedy for insomnia for those frustrated with the ailments of sleeplessness. It seems as a logical solution, as an excess of alcohol consumption makes it difficult to stay awake, however the effects are quite the opposite and there are many additional considerations to be made when consuming alcohol for the sole purpose of falling asleep. Additionally, alcohol induced sleep ends up being intermittent and plagued with interruptions. All in all, alcohol will not cure insomnia, nor offer a long-term solution to insomnia.
The first step to addressing insomnia is understanding the causes. In most typical scenarios, insomnia is a temporary occurrence resulting from changes in mental or physical conditions. A traumatic experience, or a loved one in the hospital or increased demands at work all are logical reasons for insomnia to be triggered. In all these examples, alternate treatments can address the root of stress and that is a healthier way of curbing insomnia. Ultimately, when your body’s reaction to the stressful situation subsides, the effect of insomnia will as well.
Common sense will reveal that over consumption of alcohol will not alleviate the stress of trauma or a loved one in the hospital. Alcohol will also not contribute to completing additional demands at work or school. The solution to resolving insomnia is not alcohol, but rather addressing the originating source of physical or emotional distress.
Individuals suffering from ailments connected to blood pressure, kidneys, indigestion and gastric systems, or the heart are susceptible to insomnia if they consume alcohol on a regular basis. Doctors will also recommend their insomnia-suffering patients to curb their alcohol consumption completely. However experts often cite a timeframe of three to four hours prior to bedtime as the gauge of when to stop drinking. Additionally, doctors will recommend ceasing caffeine consumption as well. Again, experts will recommend steering away from caffeine for a timeframe of six hours prior to bed time. This includes coffee, soda, drinks tagged as energy drinks (such as Red Bull), chocolate, as well as some medications that contain caffeine (such as Maximum Strength Midol).
Most cases of insomnia can be addressed quickly and easily either by formal medication, or a homeopathic remedy. Either way, alcohol consumption will extend the period of insomnia suffering, and the longer one allows insomnia to go untreated, the harder it is to remedy. Educate yourself on the effects of alcohol if you are suffering from insomnia and you will soon understand the contradicting effects of alcohol and legitimate insomnia remedies. In many cases, alcohol will offset your body’s natural fight against insomnia and “cancel out” your body’s efforts to get a good night’s sleep.
For quick results, it is strongly recommended for insomnia sufferers to seek the attention of a doctor because through a short medical treatment period, your body can adjust to the real causes of insomnia and eventually be eliminated entirely with your efforts to address the source. A little bit of education on alcohol and insomnia goes a long way, as does a good night’s sleep!
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