Glandular therapy involves restoring a patient’s overall metabolism with purified extracts taken from animal endocrine or exocrine glands. The glands that this therapy replaces, usually the thyroid, thymus, or adrenal, produce specific and essential hormones that the body needs for different functions. Just as our bodies get worn out over time, these glands can stop working as well as they’re supposed to. This remedy is based on the belief that orally taking the right extract will rejuvenate the actions of the corresponding gland.
Adrenal Gland Function
The triangular adrenal glands sit atop the kidneys, and are endocrine glands that secrete hormones into the general circulation of the body. The hormones secreted by the adrenals are mainly involved in stress (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and steroidal functions (cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens). The first two are secreted by the surrounding adrenal cortex, and the last three are secreted by the adrenal medulla. These hormones are needed to carry out metabolic processes essential for life and help the body deal with stressful conditions. An unhealthy condition or illness can result if these glands are secreting too much or too little of any of these hormones.
When This Therapy is Needed
By some people, the symptoms related to adrenal fatigue may seem too general, but there is certainly an issue of adrenal exhaustion, and now there are even ways to treat it. Adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion, occurs when the adrenal glands aren’t functioning properly or optimally. This can often happen after long periods of emotional or physical stress, when the adrenal glands are in overload. There are many symptoms that can categorize adrenal fatigue, but here are some of the most common ones:
A doctor will be the best person to diagnose these symptoms as adrenal exhaustion. Additionally, some diseases, such as Addison’s Disease, cause the adrenal glands to completely shut down because they are worked until they can no longer handle it. This disease, and other adrenal gland deficiency conditions, need to be fixed in a timely manner.
Benefits of Adrenal Therapy
Before choosing any type of adrenal glandular, consult with a physician to get an effective, potent, and safe product. After deciding on this, realize the nutritional benefits that can come from taking an adrenal glandular.
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